Thinking and Researching
Thursday, May 31, 2007
  Monthly Blog Seems this is turning into a monthly blog ... so much to do, so little time!

Good news this month as we've (me and Liz from the engineering subject centre) have won a mini project from the Higher Education Academy to develop the resources we created for the pedagogic research workshop we run for engineering academics.

Been drawing up a list of work-related activities that we at the engCETL are involved in, together with colleagues, there's a lot going on currently:
Stuff in the news: even more comments on Leitch e.g. Demanding questions: The Guardian 22nd May 2007, as well as a report by the Higher Education Policy Institute about Higher Education, Skills and Employer Engagement. 
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This Blog began as an attempt to lessen people's mailbox loads, record thoughts as my job developed and provide a way of sharing information. I've since moved jobs, but will be keeping up the Blogging ... hope it helps.

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Location: The Midlands &amp; The North, United Kingdom

I have worked at a variety of universities in the UK, leading and designing academic practice and educational development teams and projects. I have over 30 years of experience in a variety of education sectors: higher, secondary and adult.

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